Give Hope on Christmas by Donating Gifts to the Homeless of Houston
Christmas Needs List
On Christmas Day Star of Hope Mission will be home to nearly 1,200 homeless men, women and children. You can help by donation items or organizing a collection drive with your organization, church, club or community.
Gifts are needed by December 13th. Gifts that remain after everyone has received gifts for Christmas will be used for birthdays and special events throughout the year. We may also share remaining gifts with other organizations working with homeless and low-income families.
Please drop off any items you can donate at our Women & Family Development Center at Star of Hope’s Cornerstone Community® location.
Infants & Toddlers
- Learning toys with batteries included
- Building blocks
- Activity tables, big picture books (hard covered books only)
- Fabric books for infants
- Diaper bags
- Baby blankets, towels
- Crib mobiles, crib activity centers
- Large size pieces puzzles for toddlers
- Underwear and socks– all kid sizes
- Pajamas
- Learning toys with batteries included
- Electronic games with batteries included
- Children’s Bibles, books
- Education toys and games
- Large cars and trucks
- Regulation size Footballs, basketballs, soccer balls, Nerf balls
- Dolls, doll clothes
- Puzzles, blocks, LEGO sets
- Radios with batteries included
- Watches, alarm clocks, clock radios
- Portable mp3 players
- Tote bags, purses, sports bags, wallets
- Curling irons, hot rollers
- Make-up and nail polish sets
- Toiletry gift baskets
- Boxed costume jewelry, jewelry boxes
- Board games, electronic games with batteries
- 1000+ Jigsaw puzzles
- Footballs, basketballs (regulation size)
- Bibles, books, diaries, journals
- Sleeping bags, blankets
- Flashlights with batteries
Adults – Men and Women
- Tote bags, sports bags, purses, wallets
- Curling irons, hot rollers
- Manicure kits, make-up and nail polish sets
- Men’s and Lady’s Cologne
- Toiletry gift baskets
- Boxed costume jewelry, jewelry boxes
- Watches, alarm clocks, clock radios
- Bibles, Christian books (fiction and non-fiction)
- Socks, underwear, pajamas, robes
- Journals, daily planners
- Flashlights with batteries
- Umbrellas
- Blankets
Gift Cards
- Wal-Mart
- Target
- Toys R US
- Gas cards
- Grocery stores (Kroger, Fiesta, HEB, etc.)

Gift Giving Guidelines
- Gifts must be donated unwrapped.
- Only new items please.
- Because of recent recalls, please take care that items are not on the US Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Toy Hazard Recall list.
- We cannot accept: bicycles, skateboards, roller-skates, toys with a frightening appearance, Play -Dough, small diecast cars, toy guns or knives, perishable goods, candles, Harry Potter, Pokemon, Digimon, Yoh-gi-oh, Bratz Dollz, or gambling items such as World Poker Tour.
Gift bags of all sizes and tissue paper are needed to help with wrapping gifts.