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Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.

Ever since Star of Hope’s Extended Services program was launched in 2012, the team has been thinking and working “outside the box” to create innovative and powerful ways to minister to those in need. The scope of their services extends from outreach to the near homeless and those already living on the streets to permanent supportive housing for men, women and families, alumni services and satellite locations.

In recent months the team has stepped up its efforts with events, activities and other opportunities that go to the heart of sharing God’s love and mercy and helping people start someone down the path to a changed life.

This spring the Outreach Team launched a new partnership, with Legacy Community Health, to host a “Legacy Community Health Day” at the Park Yellowstone Townhomes community and introduced residents to the monthly health services and classes that will be conducted in the Outreach Team offices. In addition, alongside staff members from our Transition-Aged Youth Family program, they hosted a worship time for the Street Reach Church in Montrose where they shared testimonies, a powerful message and a meal. They also provided a housing assessment for 15 women at the Montgomery County Women’s Shelter in Conroe to help them find permanent housing.

Perhaps the best way to share the impact of how our Extended Services team members are allowing God to work through them to affect life change is a recent experience our outreach case manager, Kenneth, had in a criminal courtroom. Kenneth had accompanied one of his clients, a homeless man he had been working with for more than a year, to his court appearance where he was facing serious charges carrying a possible sentence of up to 10 years in the penitentiary. This was not the first time this client had appeared in front of this particular judge who asked Kenneth to speak on the man’s behalf before he passed judgment on him. After sharing the progress the man had made towards securing an income and housing, Kenneth said he “saw the eyes of mercy and compassion through this judge.” Instead of handing down a 10-year sentence, the judge gave the man deferred adjudication with two years of probation. In addition, the judge “ordered” the man to obtain his GED and to make sure he sent the judge a photograph of himself holding his GED certificate!

That, my friends, is the grace and mercy of our Sovereign God!

Thanks to your generosity and support, Star of Hope is able provide the opportunity for our staff to think and work “outside the box” to help homeless men, women and families make a life-change that will positively impact their time on this earth, but more importantly … for all eternity!

Thank you for being a part of our mission and thinking “outside the box” with us.

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  • Christie Brocato says:

    I love hearing stories like this. I listen to KSBJ and have heard numerous stories over the air waves & look forward to Carter’s report after he goes homeless. Star of Hope has always been a favorite ministry that I support as much as I can. For many years my husband & I attended the annual banquets but after his death in 2010 I have stopped attending. I am hoping to retire from full time work this year and would love to find ways I could contribute my time to Star of Hope. I recently brought a ton of clothing to the new facility & was amazed at it. I look forward to spending some time volunteering towards the end of this year.

  • Frank Salmon says:

    Every day I thank God for The Star Of Hope, today I’m a successful Insurance Agent but got my start at The Star Of Hope (Spiritual Recovery Prog) It really changed my life in many ways and helped me start a relationship with God, something I was seriously lacking at the time. I always try to think out of the box myself and would love to start spending more time there helping others, something I plan to do.

  • David W Mauney says:

    I’m so pleased that Star of Hope has partnered with Legacy Community Health. That’s a powerful team. I find great fulfillment in supporting Star of Hope just because of outreach programs like this. These folks are truly underserved and are so grateful for any help they receive. Please never give up the fight. People are beautiful no matter where they are.

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