This Sunday is Father’s Day! As we prepare to celebrate our beloved fathers, or perhaps the man who filled that role in your life, let us also remember the ultimate Father … God the Father of Jesus, and what He has done for us. Many of our residents who come to our doors have no relationship with God or their fathers. They spend their lives trying to fill a void, and it is our mission to show them the true love God our Father bestows on us. I’d like to introduce you to one of our former residents, a man named Rodrick, who never knew the feeling of a father’s unconditional love, until he gained a relationship with his Heavenly Father. This is his story:
God the ultimate Father showed me how to be a good man and a father to my children … but it took a while. I dropped out of high school in 12th grade because I thought I knew it all, and that’s when life got tough … it turns out I didn’t know jack. Relying on substances and so-called friends, I found myself trying to fit in and started running the streets … doing all of this just to be loved and feel a part of something. I ended up spending most of my time running from my past and all the hurt I’d experienced, but mostly I was just running from myself. Because I did not want to, or wasn’t ready to face my problems, I spent two years homeless and living on the streets. Then God led me to the Star of Hope.
While living at the Star of Hope, I learned that God would forgive me, take me as I am, and fix everything on His timing. But I must also do my part. With hard work, determination, and God giving me strength, I finally got my GED. I am now raising 4 beautiful children, and even though it is challenging, I am loving every moment of it. By God giving me my children, I know He changed my life around for the better and taught me how to be a good father.
What a wonderful testimony! Rodrick learned how to be a good man and father from the ultimate Father and is on a better path in life. Thank you for your continuous support of our mission. In the midst of all the uncertainty surrounding us, we are still able to serve those in need. Please pray for us here at the Star of Hope, and prayerfully consider donating to our mission at whatever level you can so we can continue to provide life-sustaining services and life-changing programs to the least and the lost in our community. Your support is needed now more than ever. Thank you so much for all you do for the Star of Hope Mission.
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