Category Archives: Donating To Charitable Organizations

Recently, we celebrated 47 families moving from Star of Hope Mission‘s Women and Family Development Center at Cornerstone Community® transformational campus into our recently developed and implemented New Heights program. This new program provides permanent supportive housing in cooperation with our agency partner, New Hope Housing at Reed. The New Heights program is focused on families […]
Every year Star of Hope Mission holds a commencement ceremony for the teens who have graduated from high school and are preparing for the new chapter in their lives. This year, we had the pleasure of celebrating 16 teens who accomplished this great milestone, 14 with aspirations for college, one teen to receive a professional […]
What child doesn’t love the start of summer? The school year is behind them, and they are looking forward to time spent with friends and family hanging out at the pool, going to camp, barbecuing and a host of other activities and events. But what may seem like simple summer treasures for some, are out […]
I’m truly inspired by how God touches lives. The story shared by one Star of Hope resident continues to dwell in my heart because it is a strong testament to how God can take a life … broken from a series of tragic events… and transform it through the power of His love. Ten years […]
As we celebrate our mothers this Mother’s Day, I am especially appreciative of the Mother’s Day Luncheon held this week at our Women and Family Development Center. It was a fun afternoon hosted by the Trees of Hope organization, which has been supporting Star of Hope for 28 years. More than 50 of our mothers […]
Ever since Star of Hope’s Extended Services program was launched in 2012, the team has been thinking and working “outside the box” to create innovative and powerful ways to minister to those in need. The scope of their services extends from outreach to the near homeless and those already living on the streets to permanent […]
Last month at Star of Hope’s Cornerstone Community®, we were blessed to celebrate 14 women who were recognized for completing educational programs at our new Women and Family Development Center. When Star of Hope transitioned to the new campus last fall, we began holding our residents’ commencement ceremonies in Star of Hope’s new Hope Chapel. […]
At Star of Hope, we see broken and desperate lives every day. The world is telling them they are not good enough, and that they do not measure up to the standards of our society. Many are at rock bottom with literally no one else to turn to for help. But when they come to […]
Every day, men who come to the Men’s Development Center are tired of living in misery apart from God. Through worship services, Bible studies and prayer, they turn their lives around. Their physical needs are met, and the chains of addiction and life-long destructive habits break as they yield to the love and care of […]

A Little Bag of HOPE!

Living on the streets can rob a person of many things. Generally, the first to go is personal hygiene and soon after that, the alienation sets in. The lack of personal hygiene can cause others to shun and shy away when what is needed most is a personal connection, a smile, a simple “hello.” Kenneth […]