Author Archives: Rick Christie

We pray you are doing well during the current worldwide events. Here at the Star of Hope, we are continuing to serve the homeless men, women, and children who are calling Star of Hope home during this unprecedented time. As we continue to take all of the necessary precautions to provide a safe environment for […]
This Sunday is Father’s Day! As we prepare to celebrate our beloved fathers, or perhaps the man who filled that role in your life, let us also remember the ultimate Father … God the Father of Jesus, and what He has done for us. Many of our residents who come to our doors have no […]
Many of us will be celebrating Mother’s Day a little differently, this year. We are all going through changes and adjusting to this new normal, but the hard work and strength of a mother does not change and deserves to be honored. During these uncertain times, we must find new ways to show our appreciation […]
Thank you so much for your prayers and support during this unusual time in our world, nation and city. I pray that during this time you have found comfort in knowing that God is in control, and He has a plan for each of us as we make our way through this pandemic. At the […]
During these uncertain times, some people may find it hard to trust God and His plans for the future. At the Star of Hope Mission, many of our residents entered our doors feeling that same sense of hopelessness … unsure of what the future holds. But in times like this, it is reassuring to know […]

God Is with Us

This is a special time in history, as we are in the middle of Holy Week, when our Lord made his journey to the cross of Calvary, was crucified for our sins, and rose again on the third day in victory! Through His suffering, He provided forgiveness for our sins and a future home with […]
At Star of Hope we have been closely monitoring developments related to COVID-19. Thankfully, while there have been no cases to date at Star of Hope, we are taking the situation seriously. The safety and well-being of our residents and the staff members who serve them is, as always, our number one priority, and, following […]
Jesus is restoring lives at the Star of Hope Mission! Every day, broken people come to our doors because they are tired of living apart from God. At the Star of Hope, their physical needs are met and God rebuilds their lives on His solid foundation. I would love to share one of our resident’s […]
Last week at our Women and Family Development Center’s Commencement Ceremony, we celebrated nine women who were recognized for completing various Star of Hope educational programs. It is an amazing feeling witnessing the life transformation our residents achieve through Star of Hope Mission’s Personal, Professional, and Spiritual Development Programs.   When homeless women and children […]
Next month we will celebrate the Star of Hope Annual Banquet scheduled for Tuesday, February 25 at the Hilton Americas Hotel. We hope you will join us! I would like to thank our Host Committee Chairs, Donna and Mike Bahorich, for their assistance with this year’s event and their ongoing support of Star of Hope. […]