During these uncertain times, some people may find it hard to trust God and His plans for the future. At the Star of Hope Mission, many of our residents entered our doors feeling that same sense of hopelessness … unsure of what the future holds. But in times like this, it is reassuring to know that the tribulations in their lives brought them to a place where trust in the Lord is restored. I would love to share one of our resident’s story with you … a story about hope and learning to trust God.
“Hi, my name is Anita, and this is my story:
Today, I know that the Lord is the reason I have no addictions. When I look back on my life, there are times I know the Lord stepped in. While I was attending school, the Lord kept me safe and healthy. I completed school and received my certification, with hopes to begin my career … until I became very ill and without income. With no financial stability, I ended up homeless and at the front doors of the Star of Hope. The Lord and a very kind case manager got me into the Biblical Counseling program. I felt like a door had been opened for me and it was God that was doing the opening. I always had a belief in God but did not know Him. This was my opportunity to get to know God and the Word.
While being at the Star of Hope, I learned so much about God and the Bible. The classes were a real eye-opener and the teachings were very insightful. Because of these positive experiences, I am reading the Bible more, and I am more in awe of God now than I used to be. I learned how to let go of my worries and leave them with the Lord … casting all my cares and troubles on Him because He cares. I am thankful for the Star of Hope because living there taught me how to pray to the Lord, to always trust in Him, and to praise the Lord for all He has done for me. Thank you to the donors and volunteers for supporting the Star of Hope. Because of your support I have hope, a new chance at life, and my relationship with God is stronger! Thank you!”
Anita’s story brings me peace, knowing the God we serve is always with us … in good and bad times. I have been blessed to witness many life-changing stories like Anita’s. They serve as a beautiful reminder of how God can take a difficult situation and restore our trust in the Lord. Anita was going through hard times and God brought her to the Star of Hope. Your support helped Anita get back on her feet and find faith in the Lord! In the midst of uncertainty, I pray you all find hope and trust in the Lord, just as Anita has.
1 Comment
Thank you, Hank. Anita’s story blessed my day! God is good & His grace abounds. I find myself at peace now more than anytime in my life. It’s wonderful! May His grace, mercy & blessings rain down on Star of Hope now & until He sounds the trumpet! Thank you for sharing!

Deborah Sullivan