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Connect with Star of Hope:

Do you want to be involved with what is happening at Star of Hope Mission? Being in tune with various social media outlets is a great way to do so! Like and follow our respective social media sites to stay aware of the mission’s current events! Whenever you have a post referencing Star of Hope be sure to mention the mission, and hashtags are always welcomed! When you see something on our social media sites, that interests you share it with your network!

Facebook: X (formerly Twitter): Instagram:
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Sharing Hope: Virtual Volunteers

You want to serve the homeless with Star of Hope, but you’re having trouble working it in with your work, school or travel schedule? You already volunteer with Star of Hope and you want to do something in addition to what you are currently doing? We have a offsite, virtual opportunity that may be of interest to you.

Do you use social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc) to stay connected and share your life with family and friends? Sharing Hope may be a perfect volunteer opportunity for you. Join the Team and help Houston’s homeless by sharing Star of Hope needs, stories and other information with your network. A staff member will contact you to get you started. Hours and Location: At your convenience, whenever and wherever you get online.

Click here to complete the Sharing Hope sign-up form.